Current is a flow of electrical charge in a circuit.
There are two types of current: direct and alternating.
The unit of electric current is ampere.
Electric charge is measured in coulombs (C).
Direct current is the flow of electric charge in one direction.
Alternating current is when the electrons flow continually reverse.
An ammeter is used to measure the current in a circuit.
A voltmeter is generally used for measuring electrical potential difference between two points in an electric circuit.
LDR is short for light dependant resistor.
In a bright light, the LDR's resistance goes down.
In darkness, the LDR's resistance goes up.
LDR can be used in a circuit to automatic night lights, burglar detectors.
An LDR is a resistor that is dependant on the intensity of light.
The resistance of a thermistor is highly dependent on its temperature.