Science Exercise 13

Key stage 3 Science Exercise

1. Gravity is a _______ that attracts everything in the universe.

2. The earth and the sun are attracted by more stronger force of ________ .

3. The more massive objects have ______ gravity.

4. Gravity between two objects becomes weaker as the objects move _______.

5. High and low tides in the ocean are because of the ________ gravity.

6. Weight is measured in ________ .

7. Mass is measured in __________ .

8. Mass can't be __________ .

9. Weight can change with the change in ________ .

10. The mass of an object always stays __________ even when object's location changes.

11. Mass is not affected by __________ .

Answers: 1. force 2. gravity 3. higher 4. further apart 5. moon's 6. newtons 7. kilogram 8. zero 9. location 10. same 11. gravity