Science exercise 7

Key stage 3 Science Exercise

1. There are three forms of materials - solids, liquids and ______.

2. Each material is made up of tiny ________ .

3. Solids have ______ shape.

4. Solids have _____ density.

5. Liquids have a _______ volume.

6. Solids are not ________ easily.

7. ________ has no definite shape and takes the shape of its container.

8. Gases can _______ easily.

9. Gases have no ________ volume.

10. _____ take the same shape of their containers.

11. Gases have _____ density than solids.

12. Solid does not ________ easily.

13. A liquid does not ________ easily.

14. Particles are _______ very close together in solids.

15. Particles are ________ and move quickly in gases.

16. Non-metals are very __________ .

17. Non-metal have often low _________ .

18. Polymers are generally have low _______ .

19. Polymers are very ________ .

20. Polymers are generally good _______ .

Answers:1. gases 2. particles 3. definite 4. high 5. definite 6. compressed 7. A Liquid 8. compressed 9. definite 10.Gases 11. low 12. flow 13. compressed 14. attached 15.far apart 16. brittle 17. density 18. density 19. flexible 20. insulators