Science Exercise 4

Key stage 3 Science Exercise

1. Litmus paper indicates us whether a solution is an ________ or an alkali.

2. Litmus paper turns blue in alkaline and _______ in acidic solutions.

3. Metals react with ______ in the air to produce metal oxides.

4. Non-metals react with oxygen to make _________ .

5. Metal oxides are _______ .

6. Non-metal oxides are ________ .

7. The earth is made up of ________ layers.

8. The earth has four layers: outer core, inner core, mantle and _______ .

9. The outer layer of earth is called ______.

10. The crust is made up of _________ .

11. There are three types of rocks igneous, metamorphic and _______ .

12. Igneous rocks are formed from ________ .

13. Sedimentary rocks are formed from _______ .

14. Metamorphic rocks are formed because of ________ .

Answers: 1. acid 2. red 3.oxygen 4. non-metal oxides 5. alkaline 6. acidic 7.4 8. crust 9. crust 10. tectonic plates 11. sedimentary 12. magma 13. sediments 14. heat and pressure