What is Contraction?
Contractions are made by removing letters and putting an apostrophe ('). It refers to a shorten form of a word.
The following table shows some of the commonly used examples of Contractions:
Full form | Contraction |
I am | I'm |
They are | They're |
He is | He's |
They do not | They don't |
She does not | She doesn't |
We did not | We didn't |
He has not | He hasn't |
He will | He'll |
He can not | He can't |
They have | They've |
There is | There's |
Let us | Let's |
are not | aren't |
could not | couldn't |
had not | hadn't |
have not | haven't |
must not | mustn't |
He had | He'd |
He has | He's |
What are | What're |
What is | What's |
What will | What'll |
Who have | Who've |
Where is | Where's |
would not | wouldn't |
We would | We'd |