Pronoun Exercise-3
Q1. Circle the pronoun that is correct according to the sentence.
1. Them / She is writing a letter.
2. We / us are going to the market.
3. I gave a gift to she / her.
4. The teacher gave me / I a book for drawing.
5. Molly gave we / us some sweets for my party.
6. I asked him / it for direction to the hospital.
7. Mary and I / me are going to the park.
8. Sam gave you / I a work to do.
9. They / He is from Canada.
10. Nia wants to talk to I / me.
11. Have you seen I / her dog.
ANSWER KEY 1) She 2) We 3) her 4) me 5) us 6) him 7) I 8) you 9) He 10) me 11) her