Present Tense Exercise

Present Tense Exercise-1

Q1. Complete these sentences using the question form of the Simple Present Tense:

1. _____ you eat pizza daily?

2. ______ you go to gym on Sunday?

3. ______ she have enough time for play?

4. ______ he like sport?

5. ______ Lily do the work on Sunday?

6. ______ you live in a big house?

7. _______ Molly do the cleaning?

8. ______ she go to bed late?

9. ______ he drink coffee in the morning?

10. ______ you play piano?

11. ______ you like playing with your sister?

12. _____ you walk daily?

13. ______ they study hard?

14. ______ the train arrive on time?

15. ______ you like this dress?

16. ______ he meet his friends during the week?

17. ______ you go to the library?

18. _______ she understand English?

19. ______ you like your new school?

20. ______ you run everyday?

Answers: 1. Do 2. Do 3. Does 4. Does 5. Does 6. Do 7. Does 8. Does 9. Does 10. Do 11. Do 12. Do 13. Do 14. Does 15. Do 16. Does 17. Do 18. Does 19. Do 20. Do