Present Perfect Tense Exercise

Present Perfect Tense Exercise-8

Q1. Complete these sentences using the verb in brackets in the Present Perfect Tense:

1. She _____ the chocolate cake. (eat)

2. They ______ a book already. (write)

3. He ______ hockey with his friends . (play)

4. He ______ that novel yesterday. (read)

5. They ______ their art homework. (do)

6. He ______ his arm. (break)

7. Alice _______ to the party. (go)

8. They ______ their food. (finish)

9. She ______ to the holiday when I called her yesterday. (go)

10. She ______ her clothes already. (wash)

11. He ______ his nails. (cut)

12. Lily _____ her friend this week. (meet)

13. They ______ to France. (travel)

14. Molly ______ her window yesterday. (clean)

15. They ______ the English test. (pass)

16. They ______ a song with their friends yesterday. (sing)

17. She ______ the bus. (miss)

18. She _______ her pen. (lose)

19. He ______ his sister yesterday. (call)

20. They ______ too much tea last night . (drink)

Answers: 1. has eaten 2. have written 3. has played 4. has read 5. have done 6. has broken 7. has gone 8. have finished 9. has gone 10. has washed 11. has cut 12. has met 13. have travelled 14. has cleaned 15. have passed 16. have sung 17. has missed 18. has lost 19. has called 20. have drunk