Adjective Exercise 4
Q1. Choose the correct adjective from the bracket to complete each sentence.
1. I saw a very (fast / small) baby.
2. I had (light / hot) tea with my breakfast.
3. This mango has a (cold / sour) taste to it.
4. He bought a (big / creamy) teddy.
5. Emma has built a (soft / huge) doll house for her daughter.
6. I really like that (heavy / pink) dress.
7. Emily always has (small / creamy) yoghurt for dinner.
8. Have you ever used that (cold / big) bag?
9. She was playing with her (little / light) brother.
10. Sophie was (long / late) for her school yesterday.
Answers: 1) small, 2) hot, 3) sour, 4) big, 5) huge, 6) pink, 7) creamy, 8) big, 9) little, 10) late