Abbreviations are short form of a word or phrase that is used instead of the full word or phrase.
List of Abbreviations
- a.m. = Anti meridian, "before midday
- p.m. = Post meridian, "after midday"
- etc = et cetra, "and other things"
- e.g. = exempli grata "for example"
- B.S. = Bachelor of Science
- B.A. = Bachelor of Arts
- M.A. = Master of Arts
- M.B.A. = Master of Business Administration
- p.a. = Per Annum, "through the year"
- B.B.A. = Bachelor of Business Administration
- B.Tech = Bachelor of technology
- Ph.D = Doctorate in philosophy
- M.phil = Master of Philosophy
- B.B.A. = Bachelor of Business Administration
- M.D. = Doctor of Medicine
- ATM = Automated Teller Machine
- BPO = Business Process Outsourcing
- CAT = Common Admission Test
- UNICEF = United Nations Children's Education Fund
- HR = Human Resources
- RAM = Random Access Memory
- CEO = Chief Executive Officer
- MD = Managing Director
- PA = Personal Assistant
- EVP = Executive Vice President
- SVP = Senior Vice President
- B.C. = Before Christ